How to raise a kitten with a good stomach

Develop good eating habits

The cat’s intestine is only 2 meters long, which is much shorter than that of humans and dogs, so the digestibility is poor. If the food is processed multiple times, it will be excreted without digestion.

1. Eat less and more meals + regular quantitative feeding

2. Cats with weak stomachs should not change cat food immediately, but adopt a 7-day step-by-step method of changing cat food

3. You can choose cat food with added probiotics

Develop good eating habits

Healthy and reasonable eating habits

Cats are carnivores. If the protein content in the food is low, the cat will make up for the loss by breaking it down on its own.


1. Two meals of dry cat food + one meal of canned cat food can be used as complementary food

2. If time permits, make more cat meals for cats to supplement nutrition and water

3. Dry cat food and wet cat food must be separated and not mixed

 Develop good eating habits2

Reduce unhealthy snack feeding

There are more or less food additives in cat treats, and food attractants can make cats sensitive to the stomach and intestines, resulting in indigestion, picky eaters, soft stools, and vomiting.

1. Homemade cat treats

2. Cat treats are fed as a reward, such as when clipping nails or brushing teeth, do not feed them too often

Change your cat’s drinking water daily

Cats have weak intestines and need to prepare clean water to avoid diarrhea.

1. Prepare a ceramic bowl and change it with clean water every day

2. It is not recommended to give cats water from the tap. There are many bacteria in tap water, so just use mineral water.

Regular deworming and vaccination

If a cat is infected with parasites, it will cause loose stools, and kittens who are not vaccinated and infected with feline distemper will also vomit and cause lack of energy.

1. It is generally recommended to deworm in vitro and in vivo, once in 3 months in vivo and once in 2 months in vitro

2. Regularly go to the pet hospital for vaccinations, timely and effective prevention and treatment

Develop good eating habits3

Post time: Jun-07-2022