What should I do if my kitten eats too much snacks and doesn’t eat cat food? What happens if cats only eat pet treats and not cat food?

Cat treats are used as complementary food. Pay attention to controlling the amount of food. If cats eat too many cat treats, they will become picky eaters and do not like cat food. At this time, you can mix new cat food with cat treats. How to solve the problem, or take the cat to exercise more before meals, feed some appetizing food, so that the cat has more appetite to eat. If the kitten only eats cat snacks and not cat food, it will lead to unbalanced nutrition, stunted growth, and extreme weight loss, so pay attention to control the cat’s diet. Let’s take a look at what to do if the kitten eats too much snacks and does not eat cat food.



1. What should I do if I eat too much cat treats and don’t eat cat food?


Many owners are very indulgent to their cats and often feed their kittens pet treats, which may cause cats to only eat pet treats instead of cat food, but the nutrition of cat treats cannot meet their needs, so what should I do at this time?


1. First of all, it is necessary to identify whether the cat has a loss of appetite or a picky eater (only cat snacks and no cat food). Sometimes the cat is not a picky eater, but has a loss of appetite due to illness or other reasons, and has no appetite for anything. It is mistakenly understood that only eating pet snacks and not cat food; this can be checked by whether the cat’s drinking water and defecation are normal, and sending the cat for a physical examination.


2. If the cat does not eat cat food, it may be that the cat food has expired or deteriorated. Check it. If it is not for this reason, it can be confirmed that the cat is a picky eater.


3. If it is confirmed that the cat is a picky eater, it is necessary to correct the cat’s picky eater. The following methods can be taken:


(1) Do not provide cats with cat treats. When the cat is hungry, it will naturally eat cat food. You can try another cat food for the cat to eat.


(2) Mix the new cat food with cat treats, let the cat get used to it little by little, and then gradually increase the amount of cat food until the cat adapts to the cat food.


(3) Feed the cat appetizing food, such as fruit, honey water, yogurt, etc., before eating. After the cat has enough beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes in the stomach, the digestive ability will be improved, and the stomach will be hungry easily, so it will have more appetite to eat. .


(4) Play with the cat more, let the cat exercise more, and naturally be willing to replenish energy after consuming more.


(5) Train the cat to eat at a fixed time and place, with a fixed amount of food, feed on time every day, and prohibit the cat from eating within 30 minutes after feeding. Once the time is up, whether to eat or not, empty the food.


2. What will happen to cats who only eat pet treats and do not eat cat food


Cats are like children, they should not be spoiled too much. If they eat too many pet cat snacks for cats, it is easy to raise their mouths. Just like human children, they only eat snacks and do not eat, but this is not good.


Although cat treats also contain some nutrients, the nutrients are not as comprehensive as cat food, and the proportions are not so reasonable. Therefore, if cats only eat pet cat treats for a long time and do not eat cat food, it will cause cats to be nutritionally unbalanced, stunted, extremely thin.


To sum up, all feces shoveling officers must control the diet of cats, mainly cat food, and snacks can only be eaten occasionally. Do not feed cats snacks frequently, so as not to cause cats to be picky eaters and not eat cat food.


Post time: Aug-15-2022